Power of Istagfar

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People often forget the importance of the simple yet powerful Dua Istighfar i.e., saying “Astaghfirullah”.  It is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAW) to seek Istighfar 100 times daily. In the Holy Quran, Istighfar is seen as portraying the strength and support of Allah which leads to attaining closeness to Allah and redemption. The Holy Quran states: “But surely the righteous will be in the midst of gardens and springs, receiving what the Lord will give them; for they used to do good before that. They used to sleep but a little of the night; and at the dawn of the day they sought forgiveness…” (Quran, 51:16-19)

From the above verse, we can conclude that we should always seek forgiveness and try to do best for getting the pleasure of Almighty Allah because Istighfar is one of the righteous deeds and is the recipient of countless blessings. In another verse, Allah Almighty says: “Truly, Allah loves those who repent, and He loves those who cleanse themselves.” (Quran, 2:222)

Let’s join Ustadh Abbas Khalif as he explains the Power of Istagfar.

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