Marriage Finding Life Partner | Shaykh Ridhwaan Mahomed

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Marriage is one of the biggest decisions that a person makes in life. This decision has a direct and grave impact on the way future life of the person turns out to be. It is also a major contributor to the happiness of both the partners involved in the relationship. After tying the marital knot, the life of two people doesn’t remain the same. Therefore, the decision needs to be taken after proper contemplation’s because divorce is not highly recommended in Islam, similarly to all other faiths and religions.

Let’s join Shaykh Ridhwaan Mahomed as he explains how to find Life Partner the Islamic way.


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Specialist in Islamic Jurisprudence and Arabic language with varied skills and experience, to educate motivate and inspire.
Shaykh Ridhwaan Mahomed

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A Journey in Islamic Faith | Marriage Finding Life Partner