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10 Major Signs Before the World Ends
The major portents of the Hour are those which were...
If God is Merciful, then Why is there Hell?
In Holy Quran Allah Almighty says about the hereafter life...
The Final Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
This sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah,...
3 Things the Quran Teaches About Patience
And those who observe patience in order to seek the...
The Wish of Umar (ra) & The State of Ummah | Sheikh Bilal Ismail
Join Sheikh Bilal Ismail as he explains the Wish of...
The Islamic Cure For Depression | Ustadh Ahmed Loyaan Abdi
Depression is a mental health condition characterized by intense negative...
A Journey in Islamic Faith | Shaykh Ridhwaan Mahomed
A Journey through the Islamic faith book provides a short...
How to be a Happier Person | Ustadh Omar Hajaj
It is natural for human beings to seek happiness and...