Author: Islamic Knowledge

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The Four Greatest Women in History

In a world where women search for inspiration from all...

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The Astonishing Complexity of the Eye – A Creation Marvel

The Eye: A Marvel of Complexity with Over 2 million...

The Origin of Quran IK

The Origin of Quran – Did Muhammad Write Quran?

Muslims believe that the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam,...

Pain Receptors in the Skin

Pain Receptors in the Skin – A Quranic Miracle

For a long time it was thought that the sense...

Tahajjud IK

The Benefits and Importance of Tahajjud

Tahajjud prayer is one of the non-obligatory prayers which one...

10 Major Signs Before

10 Major Signs Before the World Ends

The major portents of the Hour are those which were...

Merciful God

If God is Merciful, then Why is there Hell?

In Holy Quran Allah Almighty says about the hereafter life...

Final Sermon

The Final Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

This sermon was delivered on the Ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah,...

3 Things the Quran Teaches Us TSF

3 Things the Quran Teaches About Patience

And those who observe patience in order to seek the...