Character of the Muslim | Sheikh Abu Abdul Aziz Abdurahman

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The Islamic character is one that is sound and upright; in terms of its principles, fundamentals and etiquette it is based on submission and adherence to the teachings of Islam, in obedience to Allah and His Messenger.

It is the character that learns its etiquette and bases its principles on the Qur’an and Sunnah. It is the character that seeks to apply those teachings by following the example of the early generations of the ummah and of the righteous among them who achieve a great deal in that field.

Islam is very keen to describe the true Islamic character and it confirms the importance of its main features that are based on sound Islamic teaching. Islam discusses a great deal of the features of this character and its fundamentals, and its impact on the well-being of individuals and communities, so that the accurate image of true Islam, and its impact on people’s life, may be presented.

Let’s join Sheikh Abu Abdul Aziz Abdurahman as he explains how the Character of a Muslim should be based on Islamic teachings.

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