Tag: Islam

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Science & Religion: A Harmonious Relationship?

How has religion held up under the scrutiny of modern...

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Signs of Judgement Day: Time Moving Faster

Among the Signs of the Last Day as disclosed by...

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Quran – The Miracle of Miracles

The Qur’an is the greatest miracle of God (Allah) and...

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How Our Thoughts Shape Us – Islamic Wisdom

Don’t let negative thoughts take root in your mind. Weed...

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Bilal Ibn Rabah – The Story of the Unbreakable Companion

Bilal ibn Rabah stands as an emblematic figure of resilience...

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The Four Greatest Women in History

In a world where women search for inspiration from all...

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The Astonishing Complexity of the Eye – A Creation Marvel

The Eye: A Marvel of Complexity with Over 2 million...

Pain Receptors in the Skin

Pain Receptors in the Skin – A Quranic Miracle

For a long time it was thought that the sense...

Tahajjud IK

The Benefits and Importance of Tahajjud

Tahajjud prayer is one of the non-obligatory prayers which one...